Product Features & Specifications
COMBATIVE SHOTGUN is a series of four 4-hour courses that teach the necessary skills and techniques needed to safely handle and effectively shoot your shotgun, as well as the strategy and tactics necessary to dominate a lethal force confrontation.
This 4-hour module format goes beyond the administrative state licensing and basic NRA type courses by emphasizing gun-handling with numerous dry practice and live fire exercises and is supported by pre, post, and concurrent training materials (instructional videos, manuals, photos, etc.,) which are integrated via our online training resource, the O2DA Battle Academy.
Combative Shotgun comes with a free one-year membership to the O2DA Battle Academy a $299.40 value.
Course Modules
- Level-1 - Shotgun BASICS
- Level-2 - Shotgun SKILL BUILDING
- Level-3 - Shotgun SKILL MASTERY
- Level-4 - Shotgun COMBATIVES
Course Information
- COST: $150 per module
- DATES: Contact Us
- TIME: Times vary in 4-hour blocks (i.e., 1:00pm - 5:00pm, 6:00pm - 10:00pm etc.,) with a :30-minute early check-in
- LOCATION: Invictus training location: 12900 NW 98th, Malcolm, NE (1.5 mi south of Branched Oak Lake)
- COURSE DOCUMENTS: - Please download and read prior to your course
- REGISTRATION FORM: Please download, fill out, and email back to us
- PREREQUISITES: Modules must be taken in sequential order however, they do not have to be taken on consecutive nights. You can register and pay for each module as your schedule permits.
Course Details
Our Combative Shotgun courses is designed for gun novices to develop the experience needed to safely handle and effectively shoot a shotgun, as well as having a base understanding of the combative skills needed to dominate a lethal force confrontation.
This fast paced, dynamic, and shooting intensive series of courses are taught entirely on the range in order to maximize your gun handling and trigger time. Designed specifically to gain the student the maximum amount of raw skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to dominate a lethal force confrontation in the minimum amount of training time and money invested, no other course in the industry will leave you as prepared for the fight of your life in a shorter amount of time. All of our courses have been painstakingly crafted to eliminate all extraneous material and structures your training experience in a manner that allows you to propel yourself along as far and as fast as you choose.
These courses are taught in sequential 4-hour modules. Students can take the modules at their own pace but they must be taken in order as each builds on it's predecessor. For many students, the handgun modules will meet their training needs, for other more serious students, they will continue on to handgun and rifle or go directly to the Master of Chaos or "MoC" program offerings. Students successfully completing the modules get a "Combative Firearms Certified" patch for each weapon trained.
For students looking for an accelerated total immersion course we offer our Master of Chaos-3 or "MoC-3" program which introduces all three weapon platforms integrated with force-on-force reality based training. We offer a "provisioning" package purchase option for gun novices that provides all the weapons and accessories needed for a fully-outfitted personal tactical armory.
By the end of this series of courses you will have the necessary experience and knowledge needed to safely handle and effectively deploy your tactical shotgun, as well as having a solid base of knowledge and understanding of the combative skills needed to dominate a lethal force confrontation.
Combative Shotgun Mastery - A Module Approach
Our shooting intensive courses consist of the practical application of combative firearm manipulation conveyed through abundant dry-practice and live-fire drills helping you develop the confidence and skills need to deploy your shotgun with devastating effectiveness.
Our techniques and methodologies are designed to integrate what your body does naturally under the threat of a close in lethal force confrontation, utilizing your bodies natural response to quickly and efficiently eliminate threats.
This series introduces 15 core training drills which you can do on your own - at home or on the road - to sharpen the combative edge you will establish with us.
The fee for this course includes a one-year subscription to the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy.
By using our building block approach presented via a total-emersion hands-on structured training environment, you will be steeped in basic gun-handling skills and shooting fundamentals via both dry-practice and live-fire drills. By the end of this series of courses you will have the necessary experience and knowledge needed to safely handle and effectively shoot your tactical shotgun, as well as having a base of knowledge and understanding of combative skills needed to help you make the best decisions for your future training.
In addition to the range work you will receive the unique support network that Pulse O2DA clients experience with our pre-course, concurrent, and post course training materials which will surround you with quality educational materials (printable electronic white papers, training programs, manuals, downloadable videos, etc.,) that will aid you in your further self-improvement and personal training.
Unlike more traditional courses that attempt to teach via lengthy lectures of declarative knowledge and training that is light on actual firearms handling, our courses are designed to immediately immerse you in proper gun-handling skills by way of personal hands-on experiences from the very beginning of your course, thereby leaving you with very tangible and practical skills that you can hone on your own.
Whether you take a break between courses to sharpen your skills for the next level of training, or you feel confident enough in your abilities to transition the next level immediately, you can set your own pace to advance, or repeat training modules as you see fit.
Module 1 - Shotgun BASICS: This is a comprehensive combative shotgun course for the serious students of personal protection. This no-nonsense course will give the novice shooter all the necessary basic skills needed to win the fight of their lives. From wearing your equipment correctly, grip and stance, how to quickly and effectively present the shotgun, getting your hits with practical combat accuracy, learning the most likely reloads you will need, moving off the line of attack, and much more.
Range Lectures
- Review, and practical hands on of:
- Proper practice and new motor skills
- Proper wearing of equipment for fighting
- Equipment adjustment and setup
- Proper shot-shell indexing
- Review the four universal safety habits
- Firearms nomenclature
- Definitions of anatomic directions specific to fighting
- Definitions of range commands
- Range Training
- Lectures, demonstrations, dry, and live practice of:
- Weapons conditions check
- Firearms personal workspace
- Natural stance conducive to moving
- Grip with control
- Fighting from the ready position
- Using the ready to your benefit
- Fighting from the high-ready position
- Using the high-ready to your benefit
- Fighting from the field-ready position
- Using the field-ready to your benefit
- Controlling the SNS response through combative breathing
- Mastering combative sighted fire
- Keeping yourself safe with contact drills
- Defining and using cover and concealment correctly
- Situational awareness and its roll in safe movement
- Safely moving forward to seek cover/concealment
- Safely moving diagonally to seek cover/concealment
- Safely moving laterally to seek cover/concealment
- Safely moving up-range to seek cover/concealment
- Safe retrograde movement to seek cover/concealment
- Safe and dynamic yet sure movements to and from cover
- Loading and unloading of firearms
- Proper filling of magazines
- Wearing hearing protection properly
- Diagnostic trigger drills
- Assembly drills
- Balance of speed, accuracy and its relationship to power
- Mastering reflexive fire
- Integrating combat breathing
- Tactical reloads and their proper niche
- Empty gun reloads
- Fixing a malfunction with immediate action
- Fast and effective remedial actions
- Failure to stop drills
- Low/no light shooting
- How to handle multiple adversaries
- Extensive firing drills from 3 to 100+ yards (range dependent)
- How to continually improve with dry practice
Pre, concurrent, and post course supporting material (manuals, white papers, articles, videos, and web-based content via the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy)
- Mastering your mind for combat
- Concealed carry practical advice and techniques
- Recognizing reality and learning to operate in it
- How to operate in and master the chaos of a fight
- Understanding violence, becoming comfortable with it, and using it to your advantage
- Psychology of fighting and steeling your mind for the fight
- Quickly mastering combative sighted and never doubting your ability again
- Avoiding the litigation landmines after a lethal force encounter
- Tactical fundamentals and adapting them for the situation
- Tactics vs. techniques
- Tactical principles
- Individual movement techniques
- Basic area clearing techniques
- Room entry and clearing
- How to handle doors
- How to clear stairs
- How the decision making process relates to tactics
- The color code of mental awareness
- Drills to develop observation and situational awareness skills
- How the color code relates to Boyd's decision-making process
- Detailed dry practice guides