NRA Personnel Protection Inside the Home


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Product Features & Specifications

Personal Protection In The Home (PPIH) takes you beyond the CHP and handgun basics to how you can protect yourself and your family in the real world from home invasions and life-threatening intrusions. It's the second class in the NRA's Personal Protection sequence for civilians.

When you complete our Personal Protection In The Home class you'll be well prepared to take the third step in the NRA's Personal Protection sequence: Personal Protection Outside The Home (Basic).

The goal of Personal Protection In The Home is to develop your basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a firearm for protection of yourself and your family in your home"”and to provide you with knowledge of your rights and responsibilities for self-defense as a law-abiding citizen at home.

The elements of self defense in Nebraska and other states.Nebraska is among those states with different laws affecting personal protection inside the home and outside it.

It's therefore important for you to know and understand that you have different legal rights and responsibilities depending on where you are at the time of an attack. This class focuses on personal protection inside your home. We explain the common law concept of the Castle Doctrine and the statutory laws specific to Nebraska.

Among the advanced techniques you'll learn are the Tueller Drill and "œHow close is too close?" We teach you to use a flash sight picture, one- and two-handed shooting, dominant- and support-handed shooting, malfunction drills.

You'll shoot from behind cover and concealment, and you'll learn what a bad guy can see of you when you think you're shooting while hidden. But we never push you to do what you can't do or don't want to do.

NRA's core Personal Protection In The Home course has six major parts. We enhance that core class for civilians who want to live responsibly while protecting themselves and their family inside their home. And we adjust according to the circumstances and enrollment in each class. Here's the core:

1. Defensive Shooting
2. Basic Defensive Pistol Skills
3. Firearms and the Law: Possession, Ownership, and the Use of Deadly Force
4. Strategies for Home Safety and Responding to a Violent Confrontation
5. The Home Defense Handgun
6. Shooting Activities

Location: Nebraska Shooters 3200 Gage Rd, Firth, NE 68358

Items to bring:
1 Handgun
2 Holster
3 Minimum 150 rounds of ammo
4 Eye and hearing protection