FREE 7 Day Trial O2DA BATTLE ACADEMY no credit card needed

Pulse O2DA

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Inside the O2DA BATTLE ACADEMY you will find our manuals, videos, photos, drills, training plans and other content. The resources inside the O2DA Battle Academy are segmented by individuals ( home, street), teams (business, school, church) and units (communities, neighborhoods).

Their are training regimens for beginners, advanced and expert gun owners.

This is a free 7-day trial. If you want to continue after your free trial your cost for a monthly membership in the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy is $14.95. Members then have access to more than $10,000 of training course and program content. They study and train at their own pace - accessing the content 24/7 on computers, tablets, pads and mobile phones following one of our three training plans.

A Preview Of The O2DA Battle Academy

"œThis is the best training system I've come across in almost 30 years of training soldiers and civilians."

Kevin Gleason - Pulse O2DA Battle Academy Member - Retired Army Drill Sergeant, Tank Commander and M1A1 Master Gunner - Oath Keeper, Nebraska State Vice President and Nebraska Community Preparedness Team (CPT) Coordinator

The hub for all of our training resources is our ONLINE FIREARMS & TACTICS TRAINING ACADEMY - Pulse O2DA Battle Academy. SIGN-UP NOW. GAIN INSTANT ACCESS.

Inside you will find our manuals, videos, photos, drills, training plans and other content. The resources inside the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy are segmented by individuals (home, street), teams (business, school, church) and units (communities, neighborhoods).

The Pulse O2DA Battle Academy is the starting point for all of our training courses and programs and is where you will go to review techniques, study strategy and learn tactics. All of the content in the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy is available to everyone, not just our clients and students.

The cost for a monthly membership in the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy is $24.95. Members then have access to more than $10,000 of training course and program content. They study and train at their own pace - accessing the content 24/7 on computers, tablets, pads and mobile phones following one of our three training plans.


Inside you will find the most powerful gunfighting resources on the internet including manuals, videos, photos, drills, training plans and other content. Our objective is to provide you with the training and resources necessary to win the fight of your life.

Individuals will learn how to defend in home and on the street: Basic weapon fundamentals for handgun, shotgun and rifle; like stance and grip, loading and unloading, draw, malfunction clearances, etc. The strategy and tactics necessary to dominate a lethal force confrontation.The confidence to defend yourself, your family, your business and your community.

Teams will learn how to defend business, school and church: Movement techniques like basic formations, micro-team dynamics and force multipliers. How to do a threat evaluation, asset evaluation and vulnerability assessment. Preparing the Mission Essential Task List. Immediate action drills, battle drills. wargaming and conducting rehearsals.

Units will learn how to defend neighborhood and community: Leadership and planning including command, control and communications. How to do an area study, evaluate external factors and create contingency plans. Tactical principles and skills for community defense. Supplemental roles like medicine, land navigation, field craft, etc.


  • Drill Videos

    Drill and technique videos for handgun, shotgun and rifle supported by detailed narrative and still photos. These are the same drills you learn in our range courses. The techniques you learn on the range you can then study and recall at your convenience.

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  • Drill Manuals

    Detailed web versions of the handgun, shotgun and rifle manuals including narrative and still photos. Not only can you read in detail about each technique and view detailed high-resolution photos, you can also then watch a video showing the full sequence in action.

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  • Training Plans

    The Pulse O2DA Armory is packed with information. Our training plans allow us to organize this content in a manner that matches the training objectives of our members. We have several training plans - for individuals, teams, units, basic training, advance training, a 5-day startup plan and a 12 month plan.

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  • Strategic Blueprint

    The purpose of this strategy manual is to develop the ideas and concepts leading to the creation of a strategy necessary to defend family, business and community from violent threat. The manual starts off with a case study presented in chapter one - "Should He Fight Or Should He Flee?". Chapters two and three provide a situation analysis describing major issues and themes that impact the creation of a defense strategy. Chapter four provides a brief history of military theory relative to the construct of a civilian defense strategy, including an explanation of the types of threats that individuals, businesses and communities might be subjected to in the near future. Chapter five describes the strategy for defense via a strategic blueprint.

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  • Individual Tactics

    The Individual Tactics manual explains the tactics needed to defend yourself and other innocents in the home and the street during a high-stress lethal force confrontation. In this manual you will learn how to maneuver in hallways, clear rooms, cross thresholds, work stairwells, and how to properly use cover and concealment to decisively defeat your adversary. Not only will you learn how to dominate a lethal force confrontation, you will also learn about footwork, your spheres of security, what you can do to mitigate the legal challenges that will inevitably follow the use of lethal force.

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  • Team Tactics

    Small businesses, schools, and churches have always been at a disadvantage when it came to security. In the past,they were limited to two choices, either hire expensive security guards or depend upon local law enforcement to provide for their safety and security. Hiring security guards is not only expensive but questionable as to training and consistency, while law enforcement will never be there when a threat materializes. There is now an alternative; developing a private security force, and Team Tactics discusses the steps necessary to make this happen.

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  • Unit Tactics

    This Manual will discuss the short term and long term perturbations that can threaten our security, and how we can anticipate these events and manage the transition from normal to off-normal (or new-normal). We start from the observation that these are not challenges that can be met by individuals acting alone: they require community and cooperation. Because we have little directly applicable experience "“ there are few certainties and no tried-and-true methods for addressing the challenges of civilizational decline "“ this manual seeks to educate more than to train.

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  • Case Study

    This section presents a case study to bring to life the tactics and techniques described in the Strategy For Defense, Team Tactics and Unit Tactics manuals. The case study animates the threats faced by individuals, parents, business owners, church officials and school administrators. You will find the case study referred to in detail in the various manuals. We have extracted specific elements of the case study for presentation here without the detailed tactics and techniques discussion.

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  • Interactive Library

    This library hosts a collection of gunfighting concepts, processes, techniques, skills, strategies, and tactics which contribute to decisively winning a lethal force encounter. All of which are presented dynamically here via a unique interface that enables you to visualize and organize information in ways never before possible.

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A "FIT" OR "FITTING" IS A TRAINING REGIMEN specifying the activities that need to be completed in order for an individual, team or a unit to achieve their training objectives. We use fittings extensively in the Pulse Battle Academy to guide and manage training regimens. The first thing you do as a member of the Pulse Battle Academy is select your fitting. Below are descriptions of each fitting:

Basic Fitting

Vman Wheel Base Ind Basic

The basic fit is for individuals with little or no firearms experience, who are interested in learning how to use a handgun (a.k.a. a "secondary" firearm) for self-defense. The regimen specifies the training activities including: online manuals you should study, drill videos you should watch, training plan your should follow, dry-practice routines you should implement, courses and programs you should take, and the weapon(s) and accessories you should purchase in order to achieve this fit objective.

Advanced Fitting

Vman Wheel Adv Fit2

The advanced fitting is designed for the serious individual operator or "IO" and offers key fundamental techniques and tactics needed to effectively defend against a lethal force encounter at home or on the street. The advanced fitting trains handgun, shotgun and rifle as primary, secondary and tertiary weapons. Combative techniques such as clearing hallways, rooms and staircases along with street scenarios are emphasized. The following regimen specifies the training activities including: online manuals you should study, drill videos you should watch, training plan your should follow, dry-practice routines you should implement, courses and programs you should take, and the weapon(s) and accessories you should purchase in order to achieve this fit objective.

Team Fitting

Vman Wheel Team Fit

The team fit is for individuals with a solid grasp of both their primary (shotgun or rifle) and secondary weapon (the handgun), who are interested in learning how to exponentially increase their combat effectiveness by working as a team to defend a single objective like a business, school or church. This fitting introduces team fundamentals, force multipliers, basic formations, asset evaluation, site surveys, vulnerability analysis, mission essential task list (METL), wargaming and after action reviews. This fitting is for business owners, employees, school administrators, teachers and parents and church officials and parishioners. Basic and Advanced Fitting training is a prerequisite for this fitting.

Unit Fitting

Vman Wheel Unit Fit

The unit fits are for teams who interested in learning how to defend a specific territory consisting of homes, businesses, schools and churches. This training exponentially increases the effectiveness of teams by expanding their sphere of influence in order to defend their neighborhoods and communities in times of crisis and civil unrest. The unit fitting will be all the training needed for the majority of small teams, with a heavy emphasis placed on supplemental modules that will give the unit leaders great flexibility in training their teams for their unique needs in their particular area of operation (AO). The following regimen specifies the training activities including study, practice, weaponry and courses or programs needed to competently deal with a vast majority of realistic crisis scenarios faced by most neighborhoods and communities. This fit is an advance team fit, which will aid the unit leaders in coordinating his efforts with all the assets available to him.This fitting is for neighborhood watch groups and community officials. Basic, Advanced and Team training is a prerequisite for this fitting.


We have structured the Pulse O2DA Battle Academy membership options to fit your training objective. In the column at the right you will find membership options for individuals, teams and units. All options have full access to site content.